Code of Conduct

At Northride Public School, we are committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for all students. To achieve this, we expect all of our students to follow our code of conduct. This code outlines the behaviors and attitudes that we believe are essential to creating a positive learning environment for everyone.



  • All students are required to wear their student identity card during school hours and also while traveling on the school bus.
  • Punctuality is crucial, and all students must arrive at school on time. Students who arrive late will not be permitted to enter the school premises.
  • Students must come to school wearing clean and tidy uniforms. This dress code is mandatory for all school-related activities unless specified otherwise.


  • To be eligible to appear in the Half Yearly or Annual Examinations, every student must maintain a minimum of 80% attendance. Those who fail to meet this requirement will be barred from taking the exams. Requests for leniency in this regard will not be entertained. However, a prize for maximum attendance will be awarded based on the total attendance throughout the academic year.
  • During school hours, no student is allowed to leave the school premises. However, in case of an emergency, the parent/authorized guardian as per the “Parent’s Declaration” should come to the school with a written application explaining the reason for taking the ward. If the Principal/Vice Principal/Headmistress deems the explanation satisfactory, the ward may be permitted to leave.
  • A Transfer Certificate will only be issued after all school dues have been settled. Any request for a Transfer Certificate must be made at least one month in advance, failing which a fee for one month may be charged.


  • Bringing valuable items such as expensive watches, fountain pens, transistors, radios, tape recorders, cameras, mobile phones, electronic gadgets, jewelry, and similar items to school is strictly prohibited. The school will not be held accountable for any lost or stolen items. Additionally, lending or borrowing money or valuable items is strictly prohibited. The school shall not be responsible in the event of any loss.
  • It is strictly prohibited for any student to bring sharp items such as scissors, knives, cutters, steel/metal bangles, and similar items to school.
  • The use of abusive language or making vulgar comments is strictly forbidden, and appropriate actions will be taken immediately.
  • Bullying is strictly forbidden within the school premises, and no instance of such behavior will be tolerated.
  • All students are expected to behave politely and respectfully in school and related activities. They should always remember that their behavior and conduct reflect the school’s reputation.
  • All students are expected to respect school property, as well as the property of others. This includes avoiding damaging or misusing school resources, as well as avoiding littering or damaging the environment.



  • Parents are expected to pay all fees and charges in a timely manner on and before 7th day of each calendar month.
  • The school will provide a detailed fee structure and payment schedule to parents at the beginning of the academic year.
  • In case of any difficulty in paying fees, parents are advised to approach the school administration to discuss the matter for an appropriate solution.


  • Parents are expected to ensure that their child adheres to the school’s rules and regulations.
  • Parents should encourage their child to be respectful to teachers, staff, and fellow students.
  • Parents should work with the school administration to address any behavioural issues that their child may have.


  • Parents are expected to ensure that their child attends school regularly and arrives on time.
  • In case of unavoidable circumstances, parents are expected to inform the school in advance about their child’s absence or late arrival.
  • Parents are expected to ensure that their child completes all homework and assignments on time.


  • Parents are encouraged to maintain open communication with the school administration and teachers.
  • Parents should inform the school of any concerns or issues that their child may be facing.
  • The school administration will provide regular updates on the child’s progress and any events or activities that are scheduled.
  • If any issues arise or misconceptions arise, please contact your child’s teacher or headmaster who will be available to meet with you and will look into the issue and hopefully address it. Where issues remain unresolved, please follow the school’s complaints procedure. We are committed to resolving difficulties in a constructive manner through open and positive dialogue. However, we understand that everyday misunderstandings can lead to frustration so we expect parents to have some patience to resolve. Parents should avoid any breach of school security procedures,  inappropriate behaviour, or inappropriate online activities.


  • Parents are expected to ensure the safety and security of their children while traveling to and from school.
  • Parents should inform the school administration of any changes in contact information or emergency contact details.
  • The school administration will ensure the safety and security of all students while on school premises.

By adhering to this code of conduct, together we can help ensure the success and well-being of children during their time in the school.

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Our school is dedicated to providing the best possible education for our students, and we are proud to offer a range of programs that are designed to help them grow and develop in a safe and nurturing environment.


Northride Public School

Takana Road, Pithoragarh,
Uttarakhand 262501

(+91) 8869 04 0819